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Utilizing Resources as a Low-Income Student

Updated: Sep 24, 2020

This is Kelly’s story of how she took advantage of her resources to better prepare herself for college:

Being a low-income student can be challenging because of the lack of resources and support given. It can even lead to some students falling behind in school, which can be detrimental to their education and future. Kelly knows what this is like. She too deals with feeling unprepared in school, but Kelly does not let this stop her. She refuses to sit around and complain about how disadvantaged she is. Instead, Kelly is taking her future into her own hands. She joined Minds Matter, a program specifically designed to help low-income students reach their goals. Minds Matter has provided her with free standardized tests and different opportunities, like summer programs and funding for her business. These opportunities have allowed her to become better equipped for college and provided a good support system throughout high school. As a result, Kelly has gotten in to multiple top schools and will be attending UC Berkeley this fall.

Some advice that Kelly would give to fellow low-income students is to, “always be on the search for resources that can help you”.

Kelly is from San Francisco and will be attending UC Berkeley in the fall, majoring in Business Administration. In her free time, she loves to bake, take pictures, and play basketball. She has a passion for photography and food, and hopes to open her own restaurant or cafe in the future. Kelly is excited to see what the next four years of college have in store for her.


Written by Sophia Hernandez on 07/04/2020


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